Kingshill Medical Practice
Kingshill Medical Practice

Practice Staff

Practice Manager
Gemma Good


Office Manager

Sybil McGinty

Practice Nurse
Lorraine Benson

Ancillary and clerical staff

Elizabeth Sommerville, Pauline Russell, Jennifer Bradley

NHSL Phlebotomists


Practice Pharmacist - Fiona Hare


Lousie Manson

Lanarkshire Alcohol & Drug Service

Siobhan McCrossan

Community Psychiatrist

Team Dr A Calnan

District Nurse - Karen Smillie

The Biggar aligned nursing team are responsible for patients in the practice area. They provide nursing care for patients unable to attend the practice, for example following hospital discharge. The district nurses are based at Medwyn Medical Practice, Biggar Road, Carnwath  and can be contacted by phoning 0300 303 2445 pressing option 1.

Health Visitors

Team Leader
Karen Kershaw

Public Health Staff Nurse

Donna Wallace

Health Visitors are specially trained in child development (of all ages) and health education. They provide home visiting services and child immunisation clinics. The Health Visitors are based at Carluke Health Centre, 40 Chapel Street,Carluke and can be contacted by phoning 01698 754430.

We are located at:

Kingshill Medical Practice

40 Manse Road

Forth Lanark

ML11 8AJ

Contact us today!

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